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Date station op DX call DXCC band freq mode sent recv grid contest
27.11.2011 PI4DX PG7V GM3NHQ Scotland 80m 3.56215 CW 599 599 CQ-WW-CW
24.11.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.53824 CW 599 599
24.11.2011 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.54432 CW 599 599
19.11.2011 PG7V GM3WIJ Scotland 80m 3.52003 CW 599 599
06.11.2011 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.52200 CW 599 599
29.09.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.53304 CW 599 599
25.09.2011 PG7V GM7R Scotland 80m 3.594 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
24.09.2011 PG7V MM3RRC Scotland 80m 3.584 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
10.08.2011 PG7V GM4WZG Scotland 80m 3.527 CW 599 599
10.08.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.530 CW 599 599
06.08.2011 PG7V GM4WZG Scotland 80m 3.55253 CW 599 599
06.08.2011 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.51825 CW 599 599
06.08.2011 PG7V GM4AFF Scotland 80m 3.51326 CW 599 599
30.07.2011 PG7V GM2T Scotland 80m 3.52559 CW 599 599
30.07.2011 PG7V MM/OK4MM Scotland 80m 3.52810 CW 599 599
30.07.2011 PG7V GM5A Scotland 80m 3.52998 CW 599 599
30.07.2011 PG7V GM0ADX Scotland 80m 3.52051 CW 599 599
30.07.2011 PG7V GM4WZG Scotland 80m 3.52542 CW 599 599
15.06.2011 PG7V GM4ZUK Scotland 80m 3.53681 CW 599 599
15.06.2011 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.52721 CW 599 599
15.06.2011 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.52560 CW 599 599
15.06.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.55151 CW 599 599
15.06.2011 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.54725 CW 599 599
29.05.2011 PG7V GM5A Scotland 80m 3.52529 CW 599 599
09.04.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.54679 CW 599 599
09.04.2011 PG7V GM4AFF Scotland 80m 3.55407 CW 599 599
04.04.2011 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.55544 CW 599 599
04.04.2011 PG7V GM4ZUK Scotland 80m 3.54459 CW 599 599
04.04.2011 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.52642 CW 599 599
04.04.2011 PG7V GM3ZRT Scotland 80m 3.52003 CW 599 599
04.04.2011 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.55060 CW 599 599
04.04.2011 PG7V GM3WIJ Scotland 80m 3.54307 CW 599 599
04.04.2011 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.52816 CW 599 599
20.03.2011 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.59599 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
19.03.2011 PG7V MM3N Scotland 80m 3.53444 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM4ZUK Scotland 80m 3.52833 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.55008 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM3WOJ Scotland 80m 3.53940 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.55876 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.53084 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.55595 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.55432 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V MM0DFZ Scotland 80m 3.55432 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM3WIJ Scotland 80m 3.54205 CW 599 599
16.03.2011 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.52256 CW 599 599
07.03.2011 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.593 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
27.02.2011 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.52117 CW 599 599
27.02.2011 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.52151 CW 599 599
26.02.2011 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.53510 CW 599 599
26.02.2011 PG7V GM4SID Scotland 80m 3.51430 CW 599 599
26.02.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.51610 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.52805 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.56455 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.52445 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V GM3WOJ Scotland 80m 3.54230 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V MM0ROV Scotland 80m 3.52005 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V GM4ZUK Scotland 80m 3.52005 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V GM3ZRT Scotland 80m 3.52005 CW 599 599
24.02.2011 PG7V GM3WIJ Scotland 80m 3.54549 CW 599 599
16.02.2011 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.58247 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
16.02.2011 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.59590 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
16.02.2011 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.58576 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
13.02.2011 PG7V GM1BSG Scotland 80m 3.60600 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
13.02.2011 PG7V GM0OAA Scotland 80m 3.51600 CW 599 599
12.02.2011 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.51700 CW 599 599
12.02.2011 PG7V GM1J Scotland 80m 3.58781 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
22.01.2011 PG7V GM8OEG Scotland 80m 3.59009 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V GM3WIJ Scotland 80m 3.53740 CW 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.53740 CW 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V GM3WOJ Scotland 80m 3.52476 CW 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.52749 CW 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V MM0BQI Scotland 80m 3.54246 CW 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V GM3ZRT Scotland 80m 3.54246 CW 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.54246 CW 599 599
03.01.2011 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.54246 CW 599 599
27.11.2010 PI4DX PG7V GM5M Scotland 80m 3.54485 CW 599 599 CQ-WW-CW
27.11.2010 PI4DX PG7V GM5X Scotland 80m 3.54843 CW 599 599 CQ-WW-CW
20.11.2010 PG7V GM4DKV Scotland 80m 3.53804 CW 599 599
14.10.2010 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.54077 CW 599 599
14.10.2010 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.52739 CW 599 599
25.09.2010 PG7V GM1F Scotland 80m 3.5860000000000000 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
22.09.2010 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.52796 CW 599 599
22.09.2010 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.53536 CW 599 599
22.09.2010 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.53167 CW 599 599
22.09.2010 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.53811 CW 599 599
11.04.2010 PG7V GM4SID Scotland 80m 3.535 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V MM0DFZ Scotland 80m 3.549 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.549 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.549 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.549 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.549 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.520 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V GM3WOJ Scotland 80m 3.536 CW 599 599
05.04.2010 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.526 CW 599 599
10.03.2010 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.54731 CW 599 599
10.03.2010 PG7V MM0ROV Scotland 80m 3.54731 CW 599 599
10.03.2010 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.54731 CW 599 599
10.03.2010 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.54731 CW 599 599
01.03.2010 PA65VERON PG7V GM3SEK Scotland 80m 3.51200 CW 599 599 DX
13.02.2010 PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.512 CW 599 599
13.02.2010 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.513 CW 599 599
29.11.2009 PG7V MA0XAU Scotland 80m 3.58618 CW 599 599
29.11.2009 PG7V GM6NX Scotland 80m 3.57960 CW 599 599
29.11.2009 PG7V GM7V Scotland 80m 3.54726 CW 599 599
29.11.2009 PG7V GM0F Scotland 80m 3.51951 CW 599 599
28.11.2009 PG7V GM0GAV Scotland 80m 3.52357 CW 599 599
21.05.2009 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.52927 CW 599 599
21.05.2009 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.52927 CW 599 599
28.02.2009 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.52120 CW 599 599
14.02.2009 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.51300 CW 599 599
14.02.2009 PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.52650 CW 599 599
04.02.2009 PC25DIG PG7V GM3YOR Scotland 80m 3.53500 CW 599 599 DXPEDITION
01.02.2009 PC25DIG PG7V GM4MTI Scotland 80m 3.51200 CW 599 599 DXPEDITION
24.01.2009 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.5880000000000000 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
05.01.2009 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.53144 CW 599 599
30.11.2008 PG7V GM7R Scotland 80m 3.51618 CW 599 599
29.11.2008 PG7V MM3T Scotland 80m 3.51873 CW 599 599
29.11.2008 PG7V GM6NX Scotland 80m 3.59241 CW 599 599
29.11.2008 PG7V GM0UDL Scotland 80m 3.59241 CW 599 599
29.11.2008 PG7V GM4YXI Scotland 80m 3.52789 CW 599 599
29.11.2008 PG7V GM4SID Scotland 80m 3.53651 CW 599 599
23.11.2008 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.51950 CW 599 599
02.11.2008 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.52110 CW 599 599 HSCCW
02.11.2008 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.51557 CW 599 599 HSCCW
09.10.2008 PG7V GM4CXM Scotland 80m 3.53878 CW 599 599
09.10.2008 PG7V GM0NBM Scotland 80m 3.53878 CW 599 599
24.09.2008 PG7V GM4CXM Scotland 80m 3.54310 CW 599 599
24.09.2008 PG7V GM4AFF Scotland 80m 3.54097 CW 599 599
24.09.2008 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.52694 CW 599 599
24.09.2008 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.53940 CW 599 599
14.08.2008 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.52095 CW 599 599
14.08.2008 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.54229 CW 599 599
14.08.2008 PG7V GM3JSX Scotland 80m 3.53548 CW 599 599
26.07.2008 PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.53735 CW 599 599
26.07.2008 PG7V GM0GAV Scotland 80m 3.51151 CW 599 599
26.07.2008 PG7V GM2T Scotland 80m 3.52476 CW 599 599
26.07.2008 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.51242 CW 599 599
26.07.2008 PG7V GM4SID Scotland 80m 3.52683 CW 599 599
07.07.2008 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.52388 CW 599 599
07.07.2008 PG7V MM0RKT Scotland 80m 3.55070 CW 599 599
07.07.2008 PG7V GM4WLN Scotland 80m 3.55070 CW 599 599
07.07.2008 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.55070 CW 599 599
07.07.2008 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.55070 CW 599 599
07.07.2008 PG7V GM3WIJ Scotland 80m 3.55070 CW 599 599
05.07.2008 PG7V GM3MZX Scotland 80m 3.59592 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
24.05.2008 PG7V GM4FAM Scotland 80m 3.54439 CW 599 599
22.05.2008 PG7V MM0BQI Scotland 80m 3.52650 CW 599 599
22.05.2008 PG7V GM4CXM Scotland 80m 3.52650 CW 599 599
22.05.2008 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.52650 CW 599 599
22.05.2008 PG7V MM0RKT Scotland 80m 3.52650 CW 599 599
22.05.2008 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.52071 CW 599 599
22.05.2008 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.53497 CW 599 599
22.05.2008 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.52464 CW 599 599
17.05.2008 PA143ITU PG7V GM0NBM Scotland 80m 3.54640 CW 599 599 DX
12.04.2008 PG7V GM4AFF Scotland 80m 3.53130 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.55030 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V MM0GKB Scotland 80m 3.53206 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V GM3SEK Scotland 80m 3.52064 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V GM3WIJ Scotland 80m 3.55213 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V MM0RKT Scotland 80m 3.55213 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.52707 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V GM0WED Scotland 80m 3.52104 CW 599 599
07.04.2008 PG7V GM0NBM Scotland 80m 3.54942 CW 599 599
29.03.2008 PG7V GM7V Scotland 80m 3.70128 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
12.03.2008 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.54278 CW 599 599
12.03.2008 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.54278 CW 599 599
12.03.2008 PG7V GM4WLN Scotland 80m 3.54278 CW 599 599
12.03.2008 PG7V MM0RKT Scotland 80m 3.54278 CW 599 599
12.03.2008 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.53283 CW 599 599
24.02.2008 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.531 CW 599 599 HSC_
23.02.2008 PG7V GM0NBM Scotland 80m 3.53300 CW 599 599
13.02.2008 PG7V MM0DHQ Scotland 80m 3.58291 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
13.02.2008 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.59495 DIGI (DIG) 599 599
10.02.2008 PG7V GM3RFQ Scotland 80m 3.52150 CW 599 599
09.02.2008 PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.53670 CW 599 599
30.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V 2M0WMJ Scotland 80m 3.76601 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
28.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V GM0NAI Scotland 80m 3.52200 CW 599 599
27.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V MM0ROV Scotland 80m 3.51500 CW 599 599
27.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V GM1BAN Scotland 80m 3.64000 PHONE (SSB) 58 59
24.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V MM0CYR/P Scotland 80m 3.52100 CW 599 599
24.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V MM0NDX Scotland 80m 3.65000 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
23.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V GM0EKM Scotland 80m 3.74500 PHONE (SSB) 57 58
23.12.2007 PA07XMAS PG7V GM0SCA Scotland 80m 3.74500 PHONE (SSB) 59 55
24.11.2007 PG7V MZ5B Scotland 80m 3.57962 CW 599 599
24.11.2007 PG7V GM3W Scotland 80m 3.51576 CW 599 599
24.11.2007 PG7V GM5A Scotland 80m 3.55945 CW 599 599
24.11.2007 PG7V GM7V Scotland 80m 3.55394 CW 599 599
24.11.2007 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.51137 CW 599 599
24.11.2007 PG7V GM3WOJ Scotland 80m 3.57251 CW 599 599
04.11.2007 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.530 CW 599 599
28.10.2007 PG7V GM3WUX Scotland 80m 3.69194 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
27.10.2007 PG7V GM0F Scotland 80m 3.77804 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
27.10.2007 PG7V GM2T Scotland 80m 3.63199 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
10.10.2007 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.72351 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
10.10.2007 PG7V GM8VJS Scotland 80m 3.72402 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
06.10.2007 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.73720 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
03.10.2007 PG7V GM8OEG Scotland 80m 3.53711 CW 599 599
03.10.2007 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.52988 CW 599 599
03.10.2007 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.53089 CW 599 599
04.08.2007 PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.54920 CW 599 599
04.08.2007 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.52054 CW 599 599
30.07.2007 PG7V 2M1EUB/P Scotland 80m 3.6986000000000000 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
29.07.2007 PC6IOTA PG7V GM3WUX Scotland 80m 3.515 CW 599 599
29.07.2007 PC6IOTA PG7V GM4WZG Scotland 80m 3.515 CW 599 599
28.07.2007 PC6IOTA PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.548 CW 599 599
28.07.2007 PC6IOTA PG7V GM4FAM Scotland 80m 3.548 CW 599 599
28.07.2007 PC6IOTA PG7V GM7R Scotland 80m 3.548 CW 599 599
14.07.2007 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.52464 CW 599 599
02.07.2007 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.52897 CW 599 599
23.06.2007 PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.52050 CW 599 599
21.06.2007 PG7V GM3VTY Scotland 80m 3.73827 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
02.06.2007 PG7V GM3POI/P Scotland 80m 3.52633 CW 599 599
02.06.2007 PG7V GM4AGG/P Scotland 80m 3.52130 CW 599 599
27.05.2007 PG7V GM0FOI Scotland 80m 3.52432 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM3UM Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM3UCH Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM3VTY Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM3ZRT Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM0OGN Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM0NBM Scotland 80m 3.53350 CW 599 599
24.05.2007 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.52415 CW 599 599
21.04.2007 PG7V GM0FGI Scotland 80m 3.72188 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
11.04.2007 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.72834 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
11.04.2007 PG7V GM3VTY Scotland 80m 3.70677 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
11.04.2007 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.62490 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
02.04.2007 PG7V MM0RKT Scotland 80m 3.56339 CW 599 599
02.04.2007 PG7V MM0DHQ Scotland 80m 3.56339 CW 599 599
02.04.2007 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.53069 CW 599 599
02.04.2007 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.52923 CW 599 599
02.04.2007 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.52709 CW 599 599
02.04.2007 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.52564 CW 599 599
22.03.2007 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.62939 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
22.03.2007 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.61049 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
22.03.2007 PG7V GM3VTY Scotland 80m 3.70373 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
22.03.2007 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.61647 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
22.03.2007 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.63120 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
17.03.2007 PG7V GM3WOJ Scotland 80m 3.51588 CW 599 599
25.02.2007 PG7V GM3JKS Scotland 80m 3.5000 CW 599 599
24.02.2007 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.54501 CW 599 599
22.02.2007 PG7V GM4OSS Scotland 80m 3.55962 CW 599 599
22.02.2007 PG7V GM8OEG Scotland 80m 3.55995 CW 599 599
22.02.2007 PG7V GM3ZRT Scotland 80m 3.55201 CW 599 599
22.02.2007 PG7V GM3POI Scotland 80m 3.53854 CW 599 599
22.02.2007 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.53162 CW 599 599
22.02.2007 PG7V GM3YEH Scotland 80m 3.53594 CW 599 599
11.02.2007 PG7V GM4CXM Scotland 80m 3.52399 CW 599 599
10.02.2007 PG7V GM3CFS Scotland 80m 3.51230 CW 599 599
05.02.2007 PG7V MM0BHX Scotland 80m 3.75202 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
05.02.2007 PG7V MM0GPZ Scotland 80m 3.64016 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
05.02.2007 PG7V GM3SEK Scotland 80m 3.63044 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
05.02.2007 PG7V GM3ZBE Scotland 80m 3.60819 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
05.02.2007 PG7V GM0ELP Scotland 80m 3.61916 PHONE (SSB) 59 59
255 QSOs shown

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